What other software are people using?

I've been curious for a while now. Since I use photoshop and other software to try and enhance my game.

Here's a list of what I use:

Photoshop: To make my pictures and edit them.
SmillaEnlarger: Helps to reduce the file size of the picture.
Multiple Image Resizer .Net: Does the something as SmillaEnlarger but for bulk images and is useful for converting an image pretty fast.
WordWeb Pro: I use it to help correct my spelling mistakes, Is also a dictionary and thesaurus such as WordWeb's builded in dictionary and thesaurus, Chambers and Oxford. Can also search the internet for a word and or goto Wikipedia.

What are others using and what are they for?

Blender - create your own images, but I have yet to implement yet and will likely be a while.
PowerPoint - generate/edit most of the pics I use in my game
Freesounds (.com), I think - all the sound effects I use in my game
Dictionary.com - spelling/thesaurus.
Word - copy/paste common code
Quest - duh. Other than the obvious, I save templates here for commonly used complex scripts for easy reference
Google.com - image search, research

notepad++ ( https://notepad-plus-plus.org/ )


a great free site for downloading a wide varietty of useful free software:


check off the software you want, and it will put it all bundled into a single download file, that will install (double click on it after you downloaded it onto your computer) all the software that you chose.

Gimp for image editing.
Audacity for audio recording and editing.
Visual Studio 2013 Community Edition (free!) for editing and coding. (https://www.visualstudio.com/en-us/prod ... ty-vs.aspx)
WebStorm for Javascript, HTML and CSS editing
OpenOffice for documents, spreadsheets, etc.
TortoiseHG (Mercurial) for version control (though also using git command line to push to GitHub).

The Pixie
Gimp (comparable to PhotoShop, but free)
Notepad++ (for editing libraries, notes and holding text)
7zip (compressing and decompressing files)

Websites: Google, thesaurus.com

HegemonKhan wrote:notepad++ ( notepad-plus-plus.org/ )


a great free site for downloading a wide varietty of useful free software:


check off the software you want, and it will put it all bundled into a single download file, that will install (double click on it after you downloaded it onto your computer) all the software that you chose.

Great tip with the ninite.com ! I use:

Google Docs (I often work on projects with a partner but we can't alwaxys meet. This lets us share and monitor work from afar)
Gimp (I prefer Photoshop but I don't have a version right now and can't afford one)
1&1 (For bigger games and playing with my friends, we use their game server hosting package. Cheap when shared between a few people)
Hemingway (for helping me with my writing style)

Twine - for gamebook style adventure games.
Dictionary / thesaurus.com
Pixlr.com for some image editing / creation.
Freesound.org if I'm using any sound in my games.

Alex tried this, but it just didn't take off for the cost of it:


(it lists several softwares: twine, adrift, quest, questkit, squiffy, tads, inform, etc)

you can still see its contents, such as via this link:

http://docs.textadventures.co.uk/ifansw ... index.html

sadly, the site was useful, consolidated all of the questions instead of spread out across the various websites, but it just didn't have enough activity~usage by people.


there's also unity, if you want to make a 3d game:


and of course the unreal engine~software too:


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