assuming this debate thread is accepted ~ allowed to stay, and as Pixie commented~posted on it, I'd like to give my two cents too (as this is something that I am interested in discussing~debating, as the big science nerd that I am, lol):
I thought the entire philosophical argument~lessson~teaching of the Bhagavad Gita ~ Krishna (god Krishna teaching human Arjuna, as Arjuna, an Indian military Commander, wages war and conquers Pakistan ~ they have a long history of war over that section of land that continues to this day), is that there is no meaning~purpose to existence, what does it matter if there's existence or if there's nothing, people can do or not do whatever they want, as nothing matters, the universe can be created or never created, nothing matters, there is no purpose~meaning, as this is just the human's brain struggling to make sense for itself in order to function in existence, but 'making sense of stuff' doesn't matter beyond the human and their brain. Thus, having any debate, such as this one, is meaningless, you're not even following~understanding the teachings of Krishna ~ Bhagavad Gita, by having this debate post~thread of yours, laughs. had to study this in a school class (a decade ago though so no specifics~verses remembered by me of course), I actually read the entire Bhagavad-Gita, understanding every line~verse of it, I aced the class, hehe
I just remembered that the Bhagavad Gita ~ Krishna, explains everything as the 'oneness' (the theory of everything: we're all the same thing, strings, I am you, you are me, I am a star, a star is me, etc etc etc. There's only one thing of existence: the string), but this 'oneness' (string theory ~ theory of everything), is just the argument that I explained above: the argument that 'nothing matters', as since there's only 'the string' (as we're all the same thing: the string), then whatever we do or don't do, whatever happens (big bang: existence) or doesn't happen (no existence: void), doesn't matter. I jumped straight to the heart of the Bhagavad Gita ~ Krishna, without remembering this missing step, until now, so, my bad.
the actual philosophical argument here is that of:
order (pre-determination ~ fate ~ "intelligent design" ~ enslavement ~ lack of free will ~ lack of choice)
chaos (randomness~coincidence~chance~free will~choice)
is everything controlled by a single force~god~entity~etc (whatever word you want to use), is everything controlled~pre-set~fated~(pre)-determined, randomness doesn't actually exist ("god does NOT throw~play dice"), etc etc etc
or is there no single force~god~etc (whatever word you want to use), is everything purely by chance~coincidence, randomness exists ("god throws~plays dice"), etc etc etc
if i flip a coin, is it random in landing on heads or tails, or is it predetermined (flip force by my thumb, distance+time in air, air pressure~currents ~ air molecule movement, texture of the coin, texture of the ground, etc etc etc, and yet even these factors have the same question: are they pretedetermined or are they random ???) ???
is there a force~god~etc determining what way a top quark spins and a charm quark spins, or is it just coincidence that the top quark spins as it does and the charm quark spins as it does, and it's just coincidence that all these coincidences by pure coincidence gave us existence, etc etc etc.
Basically, the question is this: does 'randomness~chance~coincidence~free will~choice' truly exist, or is there some force~entity~god~fate~etc controlling~determining~enslaving everything ???
(see links below). We've found that simple robots can create complex actions (this is an attempt to understand 'hive' intelligence~behavior~control in insects like bees and ants (and now computers~A.I. too, hehe, and thus also the biological ultimate computer: the organism, like us and other creatures: how simple cells created complex organisms), which is a real example~proof of this philosophical dilemna~debate, it's not theoretical, it exists before our eyes, and now proven), yet are those simple robots performing complex actions, an example of randomness~coincidence, or are they an example of a controlling force~god~etc (humans decided upon the simple functions of the robots, subconsciously or accidentally, resulting in the complex action by those robots' simple functioning~programming). This is really getting into some very advanced science topics. ... lobot.html (robots) ... (robots) ... (robots) (robots, strength in numbers, funny, pulling a child across the floor) (fire ants' 'hive' intelligence example, that we're trying to understand, as well as how a 'queen' can control millions~billions~trillions to do complex~advanced intelligence beyond their individual intelligence capabilities) (more fire ants intelligence) (more fire ants intelligence) (termites~ants create a futuristic sci-fi jetsons humanlike city! WOW!)
this philosophical debate is ancient and on-going, as science tries to answer it... it's just starting to be able to scratch the surface... it's got a long ways to go, laughs.