Ste => Zelimos

Just in case anyone gets confused, Zelimos is the artist formerly known as Ste.

I'm sure if there's anyone on these boards who gives a damn about Ste that'll be interesting news.


I think Im Dead
Alex, can I PM you with a similar request to update my Forum name?

Alex, thanks.

davidw wrote:I'm sure if there's anyone on these boards who gives a damn about Ste that'll be interesting news.


Completely unnecessary, but not unsuprising.

Yeah, well it's nice to know. We could of taken Zelimos for a totally new person, and of thought that Ste had just disappeared. Thankfully he still has Ste as his sig.

Off topic: When will ur new sig be coming, CW?

Erm - put that under the "indefinatey" part of my to-do list...
It'll be soon... Not too soon, but not so long away as to be amazingly late.

Alex - Very funny :lol: .


Alex, can I PM you with a similar request to update my Forum name?

Sure, go ahead. Anyone else?

Can 007Bond's name be changed to "007Bond - the artist formerly known as Codingmasters" to avoid confusion?

davidw wrote:Can 007Bond's name be changed to "007Bond - the artist formerly known as Codingmasters" to avoid confusion?

If it wasn't such an old joke it might have been slightly funny.

I think Im Dead
Nice signature jackass.

I think Im Dead wrote:Nice signature jackass.

wtf? lol :roll:


Sure, go ahead. Anyone else?

I'd like to be called either Ste or Codingmaster since they are not used anymore...

Farvardin wrote:

Sure, go ahead. Anyone else?

I'd like to be called either Ste or Codingmaster since they are not used anymore...



I'd like to be called either Ste or Codingmaster since they are not used anymore...

:D HAH! I was gonna ask the same thing!


considering this is your 6th post since you joined in June 2003, you've done pretty well. Looks like you've been following the threads though.

why the hell was this topic even brought back up? lock it, everybody knows who i am ffs.

Everyone knows? I'd have said no one cares personally but maybe that's just me.

I'd have to agree with Zelimos. What is the point of this topic? The only reason Alex posted it was to let us know of the name change. He should then of locked it right away.

davidw wrote:Everyone knows? I'd have said no one cares personally but maybe that's just me.

Dunno what YOUR problem 1, nor do i care, but lighten up a bit and stop making such a fuss :roll:

This topic is now closed. Topics are closed after 14 days of inactivity.

