Demo Development

I've been looking into what I'm going to do for my first demo program, and have written up some stuff I'm going to inlude in the first, and stuff I'm going to leave out.

There's the planning in my mind stage, which is up until the "DOING" part, and then the actual written and noted implementation until "DONE".

Although I have written status variables, int and string variables as done - there might be more to add. I am merely stating that they have been included so far.

If someone wants to make a demo which includes some of those features I have purposefully missed out, then go for it...
I plan to be done soon, as I want to.

Here's the checklist:
* Startscript	============================	DOING!	=======
* Custom Command =======
* Room Command ============================ DOING!
* Variables: ============================ DOING! ======
+ Int ============================ DOING! =========== DONE!
+ String ==================== DOING! =========== DONE!
+ Array
+ Flag ============================ DOING! =========== DONE!
* Procedure
* Function
* Objects & Room
+ Properties
+ Actions
* Beforeturn ================
* Afterturn ================
* IF - then - else ==========
* Loops
+ for
+ while/until
* Inventory
+ Check
+ Give
+ Remove
* Status Variable ==================== DOING! =========== DONE!
+ Onchange ==================== DOING! =========== DONE!
+ Display ==================== DOING! =========== DONE!
* Player input (response to question) ==== DOING!
* Score System ==================== DOING! =

* Timer
* Built-in functions/strings
* Menu's
* Font Formatting
* Dynamic Exit's
* Dynamic Actions
* Cloning objects/rooms
* Types
* Text Blocks
* Libraries
* String Manipulation

what is this for, and what is it in? we could probably help more if you elaborated.

It's his idea for a demo game by the look of things.

I am writing a little demo program for people who don't properly understand ASL or QDK. My game will give QDK and programmer notes on the stuff there.

Obviously more programmer notes are there than QDK notes. But if someone wants to take it and note-it in QDK, then return it to me - I have NO objection to that what-so-ever.

I'm also having some trouble opening the file in QDK at the moment... Something about the way it parses quotes... Because they start with ' there's a couple of errors that can occur.

Top post edited to new status.
I'm going along very steadily... Got a few things going on, just did a couple of flag's. Going to finish off my first room soon, then onto the next couple of rooms.

ok, now i see. sorry, don't have the time right now. i'm a bit busy with homework and stuff with end of year tests

Was just looking over a REALLY old folder on my PC (from 2000-ish) and found these files.
It appears I was actually making some demo's AGES ago, but Quest grew up so rapidly at that time (in one of the files it actually has collectables!).

I have even noted a few of the lines, and the way I coloured the text and had it all nice... Really astounding to me!

AAAANYWAY! Most of the stuff still holds up, while some has aload of "~internal procedure's" from a buggy QDK 1.x release.

I've zipped them all up, and including 2 minor projects that I never got past the half-way line. Get them here:

Have fun having a little look through them.
I may re-write them all to conform with ASL 350, but only after my main demo's done - i have done a bit more, but am taking a break to sort out my server...

I uploaded the file again - I found 3 more files and just added them without even thinking. If rand.asl and random.asl are the same then so-be-it. But I thought I might as well add it just in case... The three files i added were of ASL 310 standard so I quickly read.


Most of the stuff still holds up, while some has aload of "~internal procedure's" from a buggy QDK 1.x release.

That wasn't a QDK bug - that was the way it worked. QDK 3.0 got rid of those for "natural" ASL code.

It WASN'T!!! :shock:

... Bloody hell, I think one file has an internal procedure to an internal procedure to a procedure I wrote.... That procedure - although it has a proper name - links to ANOTHER internal procedure.... Something like 4 'do's.

It might not be here actually, I excluded one or two files, and over the years have deleted a few as well - but I'm glad it's gone now all the same. I just thought it was a bug.

I've seperated the demo into smaller "demo's"... It starts out VERY basic, but tries to explain the various points.

Then goes into variables/properties/startscript.

Then goes into rooms, before/afterturn, if and maybe a few smaller things.

I've only done those 3 from the one demo file I created.

But I was thinking I'd go up to objects... then go to functions and procedures... then go to libraries. Then add procedures slowly and add commands to use them. That way it can just be seemlessly "added" to one file through maybe a library - the user can includ this library and see how it works for example...

I haven't done many QDK notes. I will get around to it... I will finish off the 3rd demo and then fully notorise all of them.

Any opinions etc would be gladly welcomed.

Oops - forgot the link.
That gives you a link to where my 3 examples are, an an overview of the demo's.

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