old game

looking for an old game...not sure if it is quest...have seen mystery mansion and thats not the game i remember playing but seems to be similar its a text game and it starts out that you wake up upstairs in a house you have to go looking around the house i can only remember commands like move buffet or look under record player...any idea?

it sounds legitimate, but I reckon it's just more spam

Why do you think it's more spam? Spam messages are something completely unrelated to the subject in hand whereas this is about an old text adventure.

No idea which one. Sorry.

it looks like the rest of spam we've been getting. Usually, people looking for old games register because the aren't aware that you can post as a guest at these forums. Spammers don't bother.

dude, it was just a question

Try and ignore 007Bond. He's the worst spammer of the lot.

007bond wrote:it looks like the rest of spam we've been getting. Usually, people looking for old games register because the aren't aware that you can post as a guest at these forums. Spammers don't bother.

Stop being such a fucking moron, and stop talking when you don't know wtf you're even talking about. Spam is posting links to websites which increase their stats in some stupid internet game. Spam is also crap which doesn't relate to the forum. Spam is also useless, and pointless threads which have no meaning or purpose to the forum what so ever.


Spam is also useless, and pointless threads which have no meaning or purpose to the forum what so ever.

Something 007Bond clearly knows a lot about then.

steve the gaming guy
Keep in mind, 007bond said he was like 12 or 13 years old.

So, guest, feel free to ask all you want.

A spammer leaves links to advertisement-riddled webpages.

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