Where I've come since Quest

So many many years ago (2002) I decided I was going to develop a multiplayer text adventure game. I began using Quest and attempted to use QuestNet for my game Ebersmile, and to cut a long story short, this is where I've come today:

This is Final Saga, and I still use the name Ebersmile for the initial starting town.

Website: http://finalsaga.draignet.uk

wow, very impressive!, I hope to eventually get to where you are! What engine/kit/software are you using, is it still quest or is it another engine, (or is it your own custom-built engine) ??? Is it Web/JS or is it software you can download?

The Pixie
That is impressive!

That really does look nice. Though I can't help but point out, it should be 'You are standing in....'

Will you be writing full descriptions for the rooms as the game is further developed?

This is a complete custom engine programmed in Visual Basic 6. Rooms have full "look" descriptions when you press enter, and short descriptions when you enter them (To reduce text clutter when moving from room to room).

There will be a download available soon once I have set up a decent updater.

A download is now ready!


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