Why should Quest not possible to "compile" such games? Do you mean uploading large files to the server?
You could do it with a code, but you would have to put the various values in the code, plus a check system. Not trivial, but doable.
If you have five variables that can range from zero to nine, it could be encoded like this: 54245. Then add a game specific code, 542458743. You could then encrypt that and present it to the player. In your second game, you decrypt it back, check the last four digits match, and set the values from the first five.
I know your game is unique in that it gets updated a bunch, but because of the way save-update-restart works, I've decided only to publicly release games after they are fully complete. Of course, when a player finds a game breaking bug, there's not much choice but to update and restart. Been there, done that... Multiple times. I thought about implementing a code that can be used to shortcut restarts for x3. Not much help, I know.
I think it is a valid point for large games that you want to be able to update them, and have your players able to play the updated game from the point there are already at.
It will be a long number. But the player can copy-and-paste it, so that is not that big a deal.
The encryption itself may be pretty simple, as you can probably use JavaScript functions.
http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1827 ... decryption