Ok this doesn't really have anything to do with quest, but I was wondering, when it says how many users are online, does it mean online, or online and browsing this forum? Just curious. And I also noticed that the most users ever online was updated to Monday, Feb 28. Wow, everyone must have been doing lots of posting!
06 Mar 2005 10:00
I'm pretty sure the figure for 28 feb must be wrong. I mean, 20 people online at the same time? I've never known more than 2 or 3 at any one time and more often than not when I log on, there's no one else here at all.
06 Mar 2005 10:40
That figure includes Guests. Also I'm not sure if the little applet that puts forum topics on the axeuk.com index pages affects this - if it does then that will go some way to explaining the figure.
I think Im Dead
08 Mar 2005 08:57
You are all wrong, it is the number of users currently connected to my intarweb.