Users Online

Ok this doesn't really have anything to do with quest, but I was wondering, when it says how many users are online, does it mean online, or online and browsing this forum? Just curious. And I also noticed that the most users ever online was updated to Monday, Feb 28. Wow, everyone must have been doing lots of posting!

I'm pretty sure the figure for 28 feb must be wrong. I mean, 20 people online at the same time? I've never known more than 2 or 3 at any one time and more often than not when I log on, there's no one else here at all.

That figure includes Guests. Also I'm not sure if the little applet that puts forum topics on the index pages affects this - if it does then that will go some way to explaining the figure.

I think Im Dead
You are all wrong, it is the number of users currently connected to my intarweb.

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