I don't have much spare time now, so I'll be quick. I've basically grown tired of writing Reading Presented Gallivant (my complex RPG game) for three reasons: Having to write sections of the game in order and continually fix complex bugs is really a strain on my nerves, I'd rather be creating a more freeform game (you can play as a thief, fighter, spellcaster whatever, there are lots of ways to do the same thing, and there's no specific order to complete anything in), and lastly RPG is hard to code and I'm lazy
Anyway rather than have my effort go to waste I'm going to be simplifying and re-using some of the code in my new game, and am offering if anybody else wants to continue working on RPG. I've implemented most of the basic things such as towns, weather, hunger, all of the items and most of the spells, but haven't added in any dungeons or the battle system. If you seriously would like to take over send me an e-mail and I'll send you what I've done, plus my notes and planning.
Oh yeah, and I'll have the game on my site soon so that others making RPG games can look at it for any inspiration or curiosity.
My e-mail is
[email protected]