Stop bitching at each other. This is getting bloody ridiculous.
Rules: - No swearing - No flaming
Anyone who breaks these is likely to: - Get banned - Have their posts edited by me to make them look like even more of an idiot.
02 May 2005 00:51
Hahaha.... I like the last alternative!
I vote you go around and edit posts at random just to throw us off guard .
02 May 2005 02:12
I Been away awhile...i have noticed some flaming etc though, all i can say is this is a great community"and Program", and thoughs who do flame/bash should save it for the EverQuest Forums
02 May 2005 07:11
Tr0n wrote:Hahaha.... I like the last alternative!
I vote you go around and edit posts at random just to throw us off guard .
Awww... Alex'd never go and do that sort of thing.
PS. I'm a doofus.
Edited by Alex, 8.11 am 02/05/05
03 May 2005 12:37
zelimos should be the first to go!
03 May 2005 12:44
Haha - I actually think Alex did edit that, because I *swear* it had a different message last time I looked... Aaaaaanyway!
03 May 2005 18:01
He didn't actually. I typed that myself.
03 May 2005 21:00
Did you edit it yourself? I thought it said "I'm an idiot" instead of doofus - and I swear the time wasn't 8:11.
03 May 2005 21:05
No. It's not been edited. What's there is what I typed myself.
03 May 2005 21:08
Fair enough.
Just thought it was something different earlier on.
05 May 2005 23:56
elexxorine wrote:zelimos should be the first to go!