Dose this idea sound interesting to any of you?

I have an idea for a game that I'm not sure anyone would want to play. To aswaige my doubts I thought I'd post it here and see what you all think. My idea is this:

a fantasy type game that takes place solely in your mind. all of environments would be my "mental landscapes" and would be able to switch between multiple playable characters, each of which would be an "aspect" of the your personality. You would unlock the aspects, each with it's own powers. The goal of the game would be to unite all of the aspects, and so put back together you shattered conciousness and save yourself from insanity.

What do you think. I know it's bizare, but does it sound like it's worth persuing?

Any game in Quest that I can play for longer then 5 minutes will rate highly on my list. I say go for it. You cannot impress everyone, but you can be almost certain that someone will like what you have made. Go for it!

making a good game is a fine line: too shory and crappy, it's well crap; to long and hard, kills the fun. you should make it so if it really long that it's easy to pause but makes you want to paly some more later, a suggest good homour, and lots of mystery, that al ways works in story, which is effectivly what we're making interative stories....

I like the idea personally...

If you can add a slight storyline behind it (kind of like 'identity' ?) - but I do like the idea.

Oh, and proper English spelling :) Nothing ruins a good game more than horrible spelling. Except horrible gameplay, of course...

lol, i'm not sorry to say that i'm a 'eat-shoots-and-leaves-er', a grammer finatic, if you will. :roll:

elexxorine wrote:lol, i'm not sorry to say that i'm a 'eat-shoots-and-leaves-er', a grammer finatic, if you will. :roll:

Spelling clearly not being your strong point. :lol:

yeah but i'm perfect on grammer

elexxorine wrote:yeah but i'm perfect on grammer

Should be:

elexxorine wrote:Yeah, but I'm perfect on grammar

Three grammatical mistakes and one spelling mistake in a sentence 6 words long. Impressive stuff.

And "grammer" is actually "grammar". :D

Shouldn't that be "Yeah, but my grammar is perfect" ?

no AND you never use a comma before a joining word!!!!! (eg .blah, and blah) unless you have lots of and in the object names! comma or and NEVER both. :roll:

Actually it's five grammatical errors. You missed the full stop off the end.

So... six words, five mistakes. That's some going.

why don't you get a life, other than trolling forums!


Oh, and apologies to The Razor for turning this thread into a spelling and grammar debate. We see so few Quest games as it is that I'd hate to dissuade someone from writing another.

Not to wory David. I'm naturally a poor speller (I'm in colege, but my spelling is remedial), so it's probably good that I was reminded to watch my 'p's and 'q's while programming. I started this morning, and should have somthing for everyone to look at in a week or two.

Hah... Haven't heard about p's and q's since my nan was alive (or soon after).

Actually comma's have nothing to do with AND's - they are merely to break up the rythm of the writing.
IE, your previous sentence breaks up into one slur, instead of into two parts (no, and then an explaination of that answer. In fact 'and' should be replaced, by a full stop and a total re-working of the rest to get rid of the and).

Writing that rule is like old rule of "i before e except after c"... Then there's H, and K, and P, and V!
See? A nice rythmic sentence!

PS. Please excuse any spelling mistakes - I try my best, but 'sentence' and 'rythm' are two words that get me all the time.
I also like to be quite correct grammatically, but never claim to be correct.

sentence was spelled right, explanation wasn't (no 'I'), and rhythm not rythm.

here i can use a ' , and ' but that is with the brackets!

does anyone know the origen of p's and q's? i do.


sentence was spelled right, explanation wasn't (no 'I'), and rhythm not rythm.

Which sentence?
There are many!

the word sentence

HAHA, I actually get it now... You tried to point out my spelling mistakes and which words they were in....

HAHAHAHAHA... That's hilarious!

elexxorine wrote:

does anyone know the origen of p's and q's? i do.

Yes, it came from the days when a type boy used to half to set up whole pages of newspaper print from trays of letters. It was really easy to get mixed up about 'p's and 'q's because they are esentially miror images of eachother, and you had to view the type in miror as well.

i get that when i write, cos i'm dyslexic, i write b's instead of d's and vice virsa, but then i notice and write the other *over* the wrong one, so you get bd's as i called them lol, but that about it for my dyslexia, hey come on i can even spell dyslexia correctly, at least i don't mess that word up and say daily sex, but i wouldn't mind suffering from that.......

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