Quest "file" command?

Is there one?
Now, for what I'm asking...
Is there a command in Quest that allows Quest to open and read, or write, local files?
Kinda like a save game command?
In Basic, I would...
To load player info...
Open "Player.txt" for input as #1
input #1, Player.Name
close #1
to save player info...
Open "Player.txt" for output as #2
print #2, Player.Name
close #2

Not to confuse this with "open door" and "close door"

GetFileData will get the contents of a named file, but no write function.

Thanks... I'll check that out...
Read is better than nothing...

But how is it used?
Is it like get input and the file info is in result?

Looks like the file is loaded into a variable
and if loaded into a split can provide the separate parts...
player.file = Split(GetFileData ("Player.txt"), ",")
And then the parts could be used that way...

I have a feeling you need to use it like this to ensure it works on-line:

player.file = Split(GetFileData (GetFileURL("Player.txt")), ",")

Also, on your PC the file name will be case insensitive; that may not be the case on-line.

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