Hi again!
I propose that we try to have a challenge every 4-6 weeks. Below is some simple considerations for those challenges. Who knows... maybe at the end of the year we can have a link on the home page where challenge "winners" are posted? Maybe the winner gets to choose the theme for the next challenge?
Anyway, here are some ideas that caught my eye when sifting through the website below. I can see writing a text-adventure around any of these.
January - Appreciate a Dragon Day (16th)
Febraury - Groundhog's Day, Presidential Theme, Children's Dental Health Day, Fat Tuesdsay
March - Spring, Easter, Holy Experiment Day (4th)
April - April Fools, Easter, FYI... it's National Beer Day on the 7th!
May - Moms, In Memorium, Clean Up Your Room Day (10th), or Lumpy Rug Day (3rd)
June - Dads, Summer Theme, Choke Hug Your Cat Day (4th)
July - Independence, Summer Theme, World UFO Day (2nd)
August - International Beer Day Theme, "Grab Some Nuts" Day (what?!) (3rd)
September - Labor/work related, Fortune Cookie Day (13th)
October - Halloween!, International Newspaper Carrier Day (10th)
November - Thanksgiving, Veteran/War Theme, Men Make Dinner Day (1st), Dias Los Muertos
December - Christmas, New Years, Bathtub Party Day (5th)
I know a lot of these are American-related themes, but you get the idea. I think it might be fun to pull a few challenges from days "dedicated" from this site -- http://holidayinsights.com/moreholidays/
What do you think?
Don’t you put that voodoo on me AGAIN, KV. No challenges for tomorrow please!
I’m thinking middle of May would be a good due date for next challenge.
And I’m sure QFQ is not limiting the challenge themes to those he/she posted above, right?
I vote a different May theme than Mother’s Day. Suggestions?
Agreed. In the UK, Mother’s Day was last month.
I do like Cinco de Mayo, but I'd also like to see what people come up with for Lumpy Rug Day! Haha.
Let's decide by next week. My current vote is Cinco de Mayo, but that could change with other proposals.