Thanks to the new forum's ingenious 60 day thread-lock system, I've had to start another.
Anyways, watched all the Hobbit films over the last few days, now watching the LotR films. I may have asked this before, but why do all the Orcs have stereotypical Cockney accents??
Good question! I want to see where they are going with the spin-off. It's a love story ^___^
The Accountant was an awesome movie!
Dr. Strange had lots of potential if expanded out over multiple movies, but trying to cram it all into a single movie... limited and hurt it severly. The movie was decent if you don't mind it being crammed into a single movie and thus not going into any of its potential, sighs. Too much happened and too much background/history/knowledge/story/plot, with nothing explained in detailed and zipped through briefly lots of concepts/sub-stories/plots/etc, due to being crammed into a single movie.
Caught 2012 on TV the other day... unfortunately. I couldn't tear myself away such was its level of crapness.
a disaster/doomsday movie, by definition, is (going to be) trash...
the core
deep impact
san andreas or whatever it is called (the somewhat recent one with dwayne johnson - whatever his name / "the rock" wrestler)
the day the earth stood still
(forgetting the name of the one with the snowball effect: U.S. freezes over --- everyone outside freezes to death --- the teens are trapped in a building, americans/everyone escapes to mexico)
etc etc etc
UNFORTUNATELY... I'VE SEEN MOST OF THEM... why? I don't know myself... lol