Picture Zoom?

Just a quick question.

I posted a map of my game, and although the picture is big, I was wondering if there was a way for the player to zoom in on parts that they want to see more clearly.

I'm using "Show Picture (file name)"

Is there a code like ...

if clicked zoom map 50%? Or something like that?

It's ugly, but you can add a control + mouse wheel instruction for the player.

"If you want a closer look at the map, hold control and zoom in with your mouse wheel."


It's ugly, but you can add a control + mouse wheel instruction for the player.

"If you want a closer look at the map, hold control and zoom in with your mouse wheel."

Tried that. It doesn't work/not zooming in. The map is an object with a "run script", show picture file.

Once the game is published you can zoom in on the picture but not while viewing it using Quest. At least it worked in a quick test while playing the Victorian Detective Interlude.

You can do something like a zoom with a html imagemap. This creates areas on the image which can be clicked. With a click it calls a Javascript function which calls another Quest function to load a new picture with a detailed view of the area.

With that imagemaps you can create real point&click adventures with Quest.

To test this, copy all appended files into a directory. Then rename test.aslx to test.js. So now you should be possible to load and start map.aslx. Use the map there!

By the way, who knows the town on the picture?

Looks like Ultima :P

Hmm...the publish zoom didn't seem to work. :/

I can't seem to zoom on it at all.

You must click into the map then a part of the map is displayed


You must click into the map then a part of the map is displayed

not using the html imagemap yet ((mostly cause I don't know how to make one)).

But with the JPEG, Show Picture, with a published game, I tried CTRL-Click (left right), CTRL-Mousewheel and nothing happened.

You guys sure you can click-zoom?

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