Quest Difficulty opening

sorry if this isn't the correct forum but I am at my wits end. I have the Quest text editor installed but whenever I go to open it, it will show up on the taskbar and I will receive no error messages yet the actual window will not show up. When I click on the icon on the task bar I can see the window for a brief moment as if it's opening on another monitor but I only have one monitor. I've already uninstalled and reinstalled the program twice and restarted my PC several times. Anyone know anything about this?

I'd guess the window settings might be messed up. There is a settings file for the application that might stay even after an uninstall. I found the one for squiffy, but not for quest. But typical locations for those files are within %appdata% or %programdata%.
It is a bit late to look into the code right now, but maybe you find that file yourself.

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