QuickParams Upgrade(?)

I frequently wish I could use QuickParams to create a dictionary with more than three items.

This modification seems to work fine, but I notoriously overlook obvious issues.

Any comments or suggestions?

  <function name="QuickParams" parameters="key1, value1, key2, value2, key3, value3" type="dictionary">
    d = NewDictionary()
    // stringlist block added by KV
    if (TypeOf(key1) = "stringlist") {
      for (i, 0, ListCount(key1), 2) {
        if (not i = ListCount(key1)) {
          dictionary add (d, StringListItem(key1,i), StringListItem(key1,i+1))
      return (d)
    // "fromstring:" block added by KV
    if (TypeOf(key1) = "string" and StartsWith(key1, "fromstring:")){
      key1arr = Split(Replace(key1, "fromstring:", ""), ",")
      for (i, 0, ListCount(key1arr), 2) {
        if (not i = ListCount(key1arr)) {
          dictionary add (d, StringListItem(key1arr,i), StringListItem(key1arr,i+1))
      return (d)
    dictionary add (d, key1, value1)
    if (IsDefined("key2")) {
      dictionary add (d, key2, value2)
    if (IsDefined("key3")) {
      dictionary add (d, key3, value3)
    return (d)

    <start type="script">
      msg (QuickParams ("one", "1", "two", "2", "three", "3"))
      msg (QuickParams (Split("four,4,five,5,six,6,seven,7,eight,8", ",")))
      msg (QuickParams ("fromstring:nine,9,ten,10,eleven,11,twelve,12,thirteen,13"))

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