Object reference not set to an instance of an object Error.

Full line here :System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at TextAdventures.Quest.PlayerHTML.Reset()
at TextAdventures.Quest.Player.ResetAfterGameFinished()
at TextAdventures.Quest.Main.ctlPlayer_Quit()
at TextAdventures.Quest.Player._Lambda$__182-0()

Anyone know how to fix this?

unfortunately, usually these errors messages aren't of too much help, as the actual error(s) can be somewhere else.

we're going to have to see your entire game code, or if you want to keep it private, then you're going to have to find a way of sharing your code with someone else, who can help you and/or who you can trust, or a site moderator, as, as of right now, due to upgrading the site to a modern code/web language, there's not not many features implemented.

if you don't mind making your game code public, if you've been working offline/desktop, then you can just right click on your game file, and open it up with some text software (notepad, wordpad, notepad++, Apple: text editor, etc), highlight all the code (this is your entire game code), copy it, and paste it here, and then we can find and fix the error(s) for you.

if you've been working online/web, then you may need to contact Alex to get your game/game's code.

don't worry or panic, messing up something in your game/coding, is very common, and it can be found and fixed up (not always easily though).

the reason we need your entire game code, is that all the code is very inter-connected, and thus we need to see all of it, to find and fix up the issues/errors/bad-code where-ever they may be and/or how-ever many there be. Also, even if you think the code is just this one part, you could be mistaken, and it could be in some other part of your game code, or there could be more areas of your code that is messed up beyond just that one part of code.

for people who code, just one single typo or spelling-mistake, and your entire game code can be prevented from working, errors are extremely common... most of coding is troubleshooting (finding and fixing) your mistakes, laughs.

and use the post's code box, via doing this:

your code, (or walls of text normal chatting-posting, lol)

but without the dots/periods in front of the weird things (it's the keyboard key to the left of your '1' key of the top row and above your left 'tab' key), which will produce the code box:

your code, (or walls of text normal chatting-posting), lol)

<!--Saved by Quest 5.6.5783.24153-->
<asl version="550">
  <include ref="English.aslx" />
  <include ref="Core.aslx" />
  <game name="The Fall">
    <feature_asktell />
    <feature_lightdark />
  <object name="room">
    <inherit name="editor_room" />
    <description>Sick room bro</description>
    <object name="player">
      <inherit name="editor_object" />
      <inherit name="editor_player" />

I hope this helps, it creates that error on any game I create regardless of whats on it.

hmm... code looks fine... is this done online/browser/web, through the quest site?

I'm not sure what the issue is, hopefully others can help you with it...

No I'm using an installed version. I even tried reinstalling but I keep getting the same issue. Thanks for the help though.

Code works fine on my PC, and it looks like we are using the same version of Quest.

You could try uninstalling, and then checking that the entire Quest folder has been deleted, before reinstalling. It is probably here:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Quest 5

However, I must admit it is a bit of a long shot. After that, I would wonder about an issue with .Net, but that is beyond my experience. Probably one for Alex. It would be useful if you could say what sort of computer you are using by the way (Windows version in particular).

Intel(R) Core(Tm) i7-3610QM CPU @ 2.30Ghz 2.30 GHz
Ram: 16.0GB
64-bit Operating System, x64-based processor

Windows 10 Pro

I don't know what else you might need but I'll try removing all the files you listed.

Thanks again :)

What's the first error message you see?

It looks like you'd only see the one you pasted if you hit the Quit menu after part of the Quest Player failed to load properly, which I'd imagine would have given you some other error.

The first error message I see is:

Error launching game: Could not load file or assembly 'CefSharp.core.dll' or one if its dependencies. The specified module could not be found.

CefSharp.core.dll is a file, and in my installation is in the folder C:\Program Files (x86)\Quest 5, all with a load of other .dll files, as well as others. Is it there for you? If it is not, and you re-install, does it them appear?

You should also have Quest.exe in that folder. If you double click that (rather than using menu or desktop shortcut), and then open your game, what happens? I am wondering if you have a copy of Quest.exe on your desktop, rather than a short cut to it.

Hey Pixie I do have that folder and there is a Quest.exe which I tried. I got the same results even after I reinstalled. I even tried getting a new install but there seems to be no change. :/

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