Problem with the "Turn Based Events" sample code?

I'm trying to learn how to do turn based events and I copied the example code from the documentation page almost exactly, but I must have messed something up because I'm getting this error whenever it tries to trigger:

Error running script: Error compiling expression 'evt.turn <= game.turn': CompareElement: Operation 'LessThanOrEqual' is not defined for types 'Int32' and 'String'

This is the relevant section. Did I mess up some indent or what? I keep comparing it to the sample code and I can't find what I messed up.

<object name="dead_events">
    <inherit name="editor_room" />
    <object name="event2">
      <inherit name="editor_object" />
      <inherit name="event_type" />
      <auto type="boolean">false</auto>
      <action type="script">
        if (player.parent = room2) {
          msg ("Event 2")
          event3.turn = 2 + game.turn
          event3.parent = active_events
          this.parent = dead_events
        else {
          msg ("... waiting")
    <object name="event3">
      <inherit name="editor_object" />
      <inherit name="event_type" />
      <action type="script">
        msg ("Event 3")
  <object name="active_events">
    <inherit name="editor_room" />
    <object name="godzilla_event_1">
      <inherit name="editor_object" />
      <inherit name="event_type" />
      <turn type="int">3</turn>
      <nextturn type="int">2</nextturn>
      <next type="object">event2</next>
      <action type="script">
        msg ("Event 1")
  <turnscript name="eventhandler">
    <enabled />
      game.turn = game.turn + 1
      foreach (evt, GetDirectChildren (active_events)) {
        if (evt.turn <= game.turn) {
          do (evt, "action")
          if ( {
            evt.parent = dead_events
            if (HasAttribute (evt, "next")) {
     = evt.nextturn + game.turn
     = active_events
  <type name="event_type">
    <done type="boolean">false</done>
    <auto />
    <turn type="int">-1</turn>
    <action type="script">
      msg ("TODO")

Have you given the game an attribute called turn?

The error message suggests that game.turn is a string, when it needs to be a number. So go into the attributes of game and make sure that its turn attribute is the right type.

I had not made a turn attribute, and I also hadn't given some of my events the auto attribute or the turn attribute with an actually usable turn count. It's working now, thank you!

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