Is There a List of Hard-Coded Functions Anywhere?


Does anyone know of a list of the hard-coded functions (like GetObject())?

...or which file to check in the source code?

...or which file to check in the source code?

I'm no C# guru; but they all seem to be defined in quest/WorldModel/WorldModel/Functions/ExpressionOwner.cs. Most of those functions just call some function provided elsewhere, but I think that's all of them.

Thank you.

I've looked for this quite a few times, but I for some reason never thought to search in WorldModel.

I've looked for this quite a few times, but I for some reason never thought to search in WorldModel.

I took a while to find it, because some part of me was expecting it to be one function per file, like the script commands. I didn't actually remember where it was, so just searched for the definition of GetDirectChildren.

some part of me was expecting it to be one function per file, like the script commands

Same here.

I didn't actually remember where it was, so just searched for the definition of GetDirectChildren.

That was the golden ticket! I was searching for GetObject, and the results were ... abundant, haha.

I think GetObject would have worked, if you're just searching function definitions. But I remembered from last time I looked that the functions to get children lists are actually implemented there, rather than calling a similar function from a different file. So I was confident that would only find one or two matches.

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