inituserinterface on WebEditor? (solved)

I am trying to add a custom status pane in my text adventure using the WebEditor version of Quest, but every time I try to use JavaScript to set my custom status pane, an internal error occurs and removes that JavaScript.
The article above states that you cannot override InitUserInterface if using the WebEditor, but you can game.inituserinterface instead. However, whenever I try to set game.inituserinterface to the JavaScript that makes a custom status pane, an internal error occurs again. I could make it so there’s a command to check the player’s status (show health, weapon equipped, ect), but it would be much better if it could show all the time in a custom pane.

Is there any way at all to set a custom status pane on the WebEditor, or do I HAVE to use the desktop version?

I don’t know how to remove posts so you can just ignore this now :,)

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