Look directions

I've noticed that in a room's exit tab, you can choose to create a "look" direction, instead of an exit. However, there are no options to edit the direction in any way whatsoever. If I then play the game and type "look [direction]", the game just says "you are now looking [direction]." and that's it. I can't even find a way to edit the text. I couldn't find anything about it in the quest documentation either. What's the point of this feature existing if it doesn't do anything?

That's strange. I hadn't noticed that those elements were missing from the editor.

If you give the exit a look attribute (either a string or a script), that will be displayed instead of the default "You look north". But it seems there's not a space in the editor for it; so if you're using the web editor, you would need to give the exit a name and then use a script to set its look attribute when the game starts.

Oh, so it's another attribute thing. Man, it's so weird that the web editor doesn't have what seems like such a basic feature. I could still make this work, though. Just to be clear, Is the attribute something I apply to the exit itself, or to the room the exit leads to?

It's an attribute of the exit.

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