Just a note for anybody thinking about helping out with QuestKit, that I've just added a CLI option. Instead of generating the game as an HTML file which you have to open in a browser, this simply creates a command-line version of the game, which is then run instantly. Handy for quickly testing things out.
So currently my Terminal window looks like this:
Alexs-MBP:questkit alexwarren$ node questkit.js examples/test/test.yaml --cli
QuestKit 0.0.1
Loaded 37 sections
Writing story.js
Running /Users/alexwarren/Documents/Projects/questkit/examples/test/story.js
Type "q" to exit
> x tv
The TV is an old model, possibly 20 years old. {if TV.switchedon:It is currently showing an old western.}{else:It is currently switched off.}
> x bob
{if Bob.alive:Bob is sitting up, appearing to feel somewhat under the weather.}{else:Bob is lying on the floor, a lot more still than usual.}
You can see I still need to implement the text processor!