Don't talk to me that way! - Question about suppressing default responses

Ok, I have a msgOpen attribute in my "curtains" CONTAINER. When I open them, I get this response:

Open curtains

Dust escapes the old curtains as I open them. Unfortunately opening these old curtains doesn't let much more light in, since all the windows are boarded up. Inside it you can see some boards.

There are boards behind the curtains that cover the windows.

My question is; can I suppress the "Inside it you can see some boards." part of the response?

Can I change "it" to something more appropriate like "them"?

Here is the "curtain" create block:

createItem("curtains", CONTAINER(true), {
	msgOpen:"{class:columbus-words:Dust escapes the old curtains as I open them. Unfortunately, opening these old curtains doesn't let much more light in, since all the windows are boarded up.}",
	afterOpen:function() {
		msg("there are boards covering the windows behind the curtains.")
	take:function() {notTake(},
	examine:"When they are drawn, the heavy curtains block most of the light coming in through the window.",


Can I change "it" to something more appropriate like "them"?

That is easy:


My question is; can I suppress the "Inside it you can see some boards." part of the response?

Change the openMsg function. This is the default.

  openMsg:function(options) {
    options.list = this.listContents(world.LOOK)
    msg(this.msgOpen + " " + (options.list === lang.list_nothing ? lang.it_is_empty : lang.look_inside_it), options)

Ah, missed the pronouns thing... Probably won't fiddle with the openMsg function right now, because I don't want to change how it works everywhere.


PS. Then again maybe I will have to, as I now see this:

Inside they you can see some boards.


Ahhh... I think I know what you were saying now... (maybe too early or I haven't had my coffee yet...) did this, that works great!

createItem("curtains", CONTAINER(true), {
	msgOpen:"{class:columbus-words:Dust escapes the old curtains as I open them. Unfortunately, opening these old curtains doesn't let much more light in, since all the windows are boarded up.}",
	openMsg:function() {
	afterOpen:function() {
		msg("There are boards behind the curtains that cover the windows.")
	take:function() {notTake(},
	examine:"When they are drawn, the heavy curtains block most of the light coming in through the window.",

