I have a container "cabinet" with these attributes:
openMsg:function() {
closeMsg:function() {
openMsg works as expected and replaces the default response.
but closeMsg does not. it shows the default close message.
That is bad documenting, I am afraid...
Earlier versions had openMsg
and closeMsg
functions, and so they are in the docs. For consistency they were replaced with msgClose
and msgOpen
, which are strings, not functions. That said, I kept the openMsg
function because the code is used in two places to handle opening an unlocked container and opening a locked container when the player has the key.
See also here:
Meanwhile, I will update the docs...
I also cannot seem to get the "getTakeMsg" attribute and "getDropMsg" attribute to work either, is this the same issue?
Good Morning,
I noticed that there are additional edits needed on the https://github.com/ThePix/QuestJS/wiki/Template:-OPENABLE page:
The only important attribute is "closed". However, you can override the default open and close messages with your own openMsg and closeMsg functions.