I have searched through the forums, but did not found the specific guide that I need.
I am trying to review many games from the website, please give me suggestions or advice for my pre-typed reviews.
My pre-typed reviews are short because to think and type constructive review and areas to improve on takes too much time, when I could be using that time to review more games instead, especially when most game creators do not really update their games or come back into the website to look at their reviews.
This is not a war against the furries and fetish games =D
I will judge fairly despite of game theme.
1 star
Game is too short.
Game have limited audience.
2 star
Game is glitchy.
Unable to understand game.
3 star
Forgettable game.
Game lacks goal.
4 star
This is a complete game.
Game made with hardwork.
5 star
A fun game.
Cool vibe.
The recent activity literally changes everyday.
You will not be seeing me everyday, so I have no idea what you are up to about.
It have only been 8 days, but I might have given up on testing games and reviewing games.
Most of them are half done games, 5 pages very short stories or difficult parser games which seems to be looted from IFDB from decades ago. I feel like I am just wasting my time.
I might try a different way, testing out the first few pages/rooms, if I like it, I continue play, otherwise, just quit.
And, there is not much point in doing reviews, most game creators just make 1 game and the ones making many games have stopped making games as well.
I am starting to understand why the mods can't be bothered to test and categorize games =D
Hopefully, my new minimum game testing can still help me find the good 60 games in a year which will be listed at,