Hi I'm new to Squiffy. I have a question.
So if normal text color can be changed then changing the color of passage/section/link can be changed as well right? So here's my question...
Last question. Sorry if I have so many questions. It's about attributes this time.
If for example I have health, how do I keep it on top of while the player plays?
Thank you!
Yep, yo can do all that stuff. But you need to manually change the css style sheet of your index.html. Or make a js function that do the same on runtime.
For further info you can consider this: https://www.w3schools.com/css/
Oh okay. How do I do that?
How do I change the css style sheet or make a js function? I'm sorry, I really need a guide or a tutorial how to do it.
You need to learn css or js, like everybody. In https://www.w3schools.com you have the best online free tutorial they can be.
Squiffy generates an html+css+js output. You just need to edit these files in order to achieve the wanted effect.
It's the story.js, style.css, and jquery.min.js? How do I open? Could I use notes or wordpad?
I played with colors in this entry. You might find the notes in here helpful.