You're stuck in a room and need to find a way to get out!
You wake up lying on damp, broken floorboards with a splitting headache. You stand up and look around to see yourself in an endless room with no doors. You cannot remember how you ended up here.
There are deep vertical drops between many floorboards - you must carefully find a way out!
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If you log in before playing, you'll be able to save your progress - which means you can come back later and pick up where you left off.
This game is pretty good. I've detected a bug when you supposedly die, but I was still able to continue walking around. A bit on the short side, but, hey, my text adventures aren't as good, so, what more can I say?
I lost by going in the deep hole, but I didn't get a game over. Next time you make a game, make one that actually gives a player a game over, instead of just telling them that they lost. Also, I won in like two or three minutes, but again, there was no official game over.
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Written by andrus7789
Plays 2760
Downloads 2161 Download file
Written for Quest 5.2
Published 19 Nov 2012
Updated 20 Nov 2012
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