Peasants, Kings and Warriors Alike. by KingMoe

This game was added to the Sandpit for the following reason: Incomplete

The game appears to be unfinished, or is a demo of a longer work which has not yet been completed. Once the game has been completely written, it may be re-categorised.
The kingdoms of Snowden and Nicosia have had peace for over 24 seasons. The current king and queen of the kingdoms; Gorge Welsh and Athena Cyprio have established and maintained peace, breaking the cycle of war & hate between the two kingdoms lasting 46 seasons. Early on in Gorge's campaign to establish peace, he decided to send two of his most brave and beautiful daughters; Seren and Eirlys to marry, into the Cyprio royal family. Athena responded by opening the gates to the Snowden kingdom, allowing their citizens to migrate or visit.

The two kingdoms then began to trade but in recent seasons bandits have been ambushing the kingdoms shipments. Athena began to notice that bandits have been intercepting Snowden shipments more. Suspicions arose but she looked the other way since she developed familiar love for Seren and Eirlys. Polis, Athena's closest adviser was ordered to investigate the matters as the ambushes got worse. He found that each time a shipment was ambushed and stolen, Merchant Way's business had an increase in profits. This OUTRAGED Athena.

Today a herald, arrived at Snowden's gates to relay a single message "Seren and Eirlys will be executed at noon tomorrow, this can only be prevented by Gorge Welsh's presence - Athena of Nicosia"

Snowden's throne is empty and it's up to you to deliver a scroll to Nicosia in hopes of saving Seren and Eirlys from execution...

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Review by Drew8521
30 Apr 2016
Good game! It is very well written. I would have liked a more clear introduction to the story however so I can understand what is happening in the story more clearly.

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Added 27 Apr 2016





