The Treehouse by ElleBlack

Life treats you poorly, and a loss of work has you bored out of your mind.
You can't help but seek the calm refuge of the forest. The forest however houses an old secret - a treehouse that is a passage to another world.
Your arrival in the other world sets things in motion that only you can fix. Will your jobless self be able to fix anything however?

I am the Main Character, called Fake-Main by the villain who seems to know something I don't. I'm known to be sarcastic, self deprecating, and can't seem to keep a job. I was told, however, that I'm the chosen one (a bit clichéd, but I was told to bear with it), and only I can put a stop to the erasure of fantasy worlds brought on by the villain. My somewhat helpful aide (he's not really an aide), named Elfy (because he hasn't told me his darn name yet!), has brought me to his library full of tales being erased by the villain, and I am presented with a wide variety of choices. Which tale do I want to save first, if I'm even able to do that in the first place?

PART 1: DONE (12 May '17)
- update 1 (13 May '17)
- update 2 (24 May '17)
- update 3 (8 June '17)
- update 4 (29 June '17)
(deleted pictures, game is becoming too big. I'm going to have to find a different way to do this.)
- update 5 ----

Updates semi regularly,
grammar mistakes will be filtered out with every update,
This game is still in the earliest stages so even the finished parts may be updated or changed.

First ever game I made this way, I'd love some feedback and critiques :)

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Written for Quest 5.5
Added 30 Mar 2017
Updated 29 Jun 2017





