Psychopomp by Terrence

Help Dr. Armitage decipher the recipe for the illuminating powder needed to see and defeat The Dunwich Horror.

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Review by GameofChocolate
13 May 2017
Wow. Don't click the links, they take you to other sites. Pfft, that's the best way to make me hate a game.

Review by Laufeia
29 Apr 2016
Well put together though I haven't figured out the runes.

Review by Marzipan
30 Nov 2014
I'm not usually a fan of the gamebooks here, and I haven't even had the time to finish this one yet...but holy crap, I wish I could give this one ten stars. (...which could then be arranged into an unholy formation and with certain rituals be used to summon forth an eldritch abomination, each of its myriad of gaping maws capable of singing the world out of being)

Seriously, I've gone through entire games here with less effort and skill put into them than in your first few pages. I'm going to come back to this later tonight after everyone's gone to bed and take my time really getting into this while I see if I can figure out those runes...

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Written for Quest 5.5
Published 24 Nov 2014
Updated 30 Jan 2016





