Long ago, a meteor crashed in the depths and forests of the Triceras continent. No one knew this until the late 1990s. The location was unknown. No one knew but the NASA. They researched for many days. They have known that it contained some sort of mysterious mineral. Then finally at 2014, NASA began to search far and wide. They found it was beneath the depths of a known forest. They scattered around the globe and finally found the mysterious meteor. They opened it, and suddenly a sudden bind of light appeared upon the astronomers. The once blue waters were filled with poisonous acid. The sky that was light blue turned into a dark area of death. The land that filled the trees were now haunted. And the astronomers turned into creatures of the night.
You were once an ordinary stick figure. You have a great taste for adventure. You were told that at the center of the forest held the mineral's power. It had so much power that it may consume the player itself. You have been tempted to enter the forest and get the mineral!
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Written by StickmanProductions
Plays 1149
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Written for Quest 5.5
Added 23 Feb 2014
Updated 23 Feb 2014