The Masque Of Anarchy by kaneda360

The year is 2096. You are Zara Thrance. The bodyguard and lover of Dionysus, a dangerous Synthetic rights activist with a seemingly endless list of enemies. Keeping her alive is going to be tough.

But tough never stopped you before...

"The Masque Of Anarchy" is an 18 chapter interactive cyberpunk thriller. It's entirely text-based, although there are additional hidden illustrations for those who can seek them out.

London is about to explode! In this dark cyber-noir will you side with the Synths, a repressed and abused group treated as slaves, or your own kind? Is your lover everything you think she is? Will the secrets of your past actions in the Synth war come back to haunt you? Can you discover who is really pulling the strings behind the uprising? Or will your thirst for revenge be your undoing?

• Stop the uprising or stand up for Synthetic rights.
• Reveal codes to hack into new areas.
• Investigate a global Anti-Synth conspiracy.
• Dig into the seedy underbelly of a society on the brink of extinction.
• Fight insane cyborgs, killer drones, Spider-bots, global militia, spies and special operatives all with a serious grudge on their shoulder.
• Travel the globe to solve the mystery.
• Use enhanced psychometric profiling or good old-fashioned methods to find out what you need to know.

You have a fondness for hard drinking, quick one-liners and getting yourself into trouble. Who else is better suited to investigate a sensitive global wide conspiracy that threatens the very nature of what it means to be human?

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Written for Quest 5.5
Published 12 Mar 2016
Updated 12 Jul 2020





