Pathway to Destruction by rotter

You have worked at the Department of Transportation for nearly five years now. As one of the engineering team in the Research and Development section, it is a highly respected and well paid position. With a growing population, the global transport system has been under greater and greater strain. A complete collapse is predicted a little under 10 years time.

You are currently working on the 'Pathway' project which is to replace the old Rapid Transit System (RTS). This holds out the promise of fast, efficient and cheap travel. You do not fully understand the science behind it but it has something to do with particles, magnetism and time travel. Basically, you arrive at your destination the exact same moment you leave your starting point.

The initial tests have been extremely promising and the first long distance test is now underway. You will be 'particled' from one side of the planet to the other and then back again.

The last thing you remember is being strapped into the chair in the testing chamber, the ignition lights came on, the tingling in your hands and feet started and then nothing.

Nothing until now.

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Review by XanMag
01 Aug 2019
Quite good. Long enough not to be a forgettable and short enough not to drone on. Well-organized and grammar was much better than most. Good story. Challenging enough that you will be tempted to use the hint system, but you likely will not need it. The game avoids the dreaded guessing of the verb problem that many games have. Well done. Give it a try!

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