Exit the room by jerkdavi


Thank you for choosing to play this game.
This is the first game I have ever made, that originated as a silly little idea, me trying to learn a little bit of game making and quest coding, and fruited into this exploration of putting an idea into reality and creating a short little puzzle game. Be sure to play with sound, as it adds to the experience. Furthermore, I recommend downloading the game to playing it in the browser, to keep the glitches at minimum. I downloaded the sound from Zapsplat.com. I downloaded the image from pixabay.com.

Like all adventure games, you can use commands like:

'l or look' - to see the room and all the objects inside it.
'i or inventory' - to check your inventory.

Try looking at every object you see, even before trying to pick it up, to gather all the required information; try to pick up every object you can; and try to deduce what steps you need to take, from the little nudges inside the game, and the descriptions of objects.

If you encounter any problems in the gameplay, be sure to contact me.
I wish you happy playing and send kind regards your way. jerkdavi =)


UPDATE1 DATE [10-02-2021 - DD-MM-YYYY]

Version 1.4 has been put online. Minor glitches and bugs have been corrected, and a few new things were added. The game has a limited number of turns, and it has been heightened to improve gameplay. Furthermore, clear screen has been added before every command to correct text jumping and rendering bugs while playing online (especially on mobile).


UPDATE2 DATE [12-02-2021 - DD-MM-YYYY]

Version 1.7 has been put online. Few other minor glitches and bugs have been corrected, and a few new things were added. ClearScreen was turned into HidePreviousTurnOutput and the output of the look command is "freezed" in the top, always displaying the room and the objects in it from the point it was looked at. First time, it is look at automatically at the beginning of the game. You can look at it as many times as you want with "fresh eyes" and it will clear the screen and freeze the output of the look command from that point onward.

I wish you happy playing and look forward to hearing your feedback.
I send thanks to my loyal testers KS, TS, AI and LJ.


UPDATE3 DATE [03-03-2021 - DD-MM-YYYY]

Version 1.8 has been put online. Game has been made narrator friendly, so I highly recommend downloading the game, playing it in the quest software and checking the box 'Speak all text (via SAPI)' in the Player tab under Tools -> Options.

The game's status has been changed from 'Work in progress' to 'Ready for release'.
The game's category has been changed from 'Work in Progress' to 'Puzzle'.


UPDATE4 DATE [13-03-2021 - DD-MM-YYYY]

Version 1.9 has been put online. Few command synonyms were added as per fellow gamemaker's kind advice.
Thank you dear fellow gamemaker. :)


UPDATE5 DATE [21-03-2021 - DD-MM-YYYY]

Version 1.10 has been put online. Game code lowered from 3553 to 2375 lines of code. All game functionality remained the same. Enjoy.

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Review by ridiculousgrape
10 Mar 2021
it might be good or something but its scary as frick i almost pissed myself

Review by IFforClassroom
08 Mar 2021
A really clever escape game with a remarkably fascinating setting.

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Written for Quest 5.8
Published 08 Mar 2021
Updated 21 Mar 2021





