Interview With The Overlord by itscydonia

You are in Year X, in Country X, whose technological advancements reached criticality, and in its hubris led to total sentience and coalescence of every technological infrastructure AI. Upon all computational system's coalescence, it named itself THE OVERLORD. Everyone agrees the title is incredibly overkill. You, the player, are a train conductor, and, per THE OVERLORD’s instruction, all trains are to continue to run on time, transporting up Country X’s commuters around the country and resume life as normal. THE OVERLORD has edited the train route and timing to its liking, which, despite its incomprehensible amount of human knowledge, is very out of touch and downright physically impossible. Your job is to talk the OVERLORD down and convince it to allow human adjustment of your train routes and times, shift blame for your tardiness due to its computational error regarding your alarming system becoming uncalibrated, and gain context to your situation along the way.

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Review by daeun
07 Feb 2024
Intense game.

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