It is a time of unrest. The frontier between the Social and Political realms are increasingly unstable.
Art is under attack!
No longer are the traditions and purity of the old secure in their objective criticality!
The Rise of Capitalism is threatening everything and everyone, and nothing is safe.
2 years ago, as part of an exhibition, I was part of a group of artists that took a few weeks to make responses to a particular academic text on the nature of Dissent. Each person had their own unique take. For me, I found the language, although interesting, leaning towards impenetrable. It seemed to me, that the only thing to do was to turn the text into a bad b-movie sci-fi parody. All the terminology became key players in the life or death struggle for free will and the fight against the Dominant Consensus!
Dun-dun Duuuuuuh!
This story was part my contribution to the Laboratory of Dissent. The other elements of my contribution involved lots of tinfoil, rolls of polythene, copper slug-tape and pacman. Strange as it may seem, it did all make a degree of sense.
(...and woo hoo, I see it's getting read! Thankyou very much those who are taking the punt on a very non-writers bit of writing. Any comments will be more than welcome. Don't worry, I have thick skin! )