The Baron of Horror by derMartin78

You are an inquisitive reporter hunting for the one and only big story for a long time.
That old country house on the outskirts seems to promise a mystery, because a long time ago ritual murders occured there and maybe you could make some money by writing about it.
You experienced that the new owner of the house is no less than the last male member of the Meckensen family, an old noble dynasty.
You also came to know about that rumor about some scary things still happing there.
And you plan to introduce yourself to the baron in order to interview him about those tales. So you start out and drive to the old country house. Upon arrival a servant welcomes you, escorts you into the entrance hall and politely asks you to take a seat onto a couch. The baron himself was about to welcome you very soon.
The servant vanishes at once in order to announce you to his master and meanwhile to provide you with something to drink.
When he turns around you have a feeling of him laughing at you. You hear something like "we will kill him" in a low voice - or at least you think so.
Soon you realise - as soon as the servant has completely vashined you should investigate the house on your own.
If someone catches you, you still have the chance to apologize.
Perhaps a good story is about to be revealed, because you never know what lurks in those chambers.

The rules for this little adventure are quite simple.
1. Time: You do not have an unlimited amout of time. At some point of the adventure one of the evil creatures will find you. You do not know exactly when, but the quicker you can solve this game, the better.
Every text passage lasts 1 time-unit (you can think of approximately 1 minute). If you do something that takes much longer than 1 time-unit, we will inform you.
Maybe you will get one or more warnings, before the time goes by completely, but better do not rely on it!
2. Fear: In the course of this adventure you will encounter some frightening things. Whenever this happens, your fear will raise. You start with a low amount of fear (0 points). When your fear raises over 7 points, you cannot go on and have to rest, because you are to afraid to move any further. Be prepared, that something really bad might happen in this case.
3. Items: Whenever you encounter an item, you should try to take it. You get informed of every taken item by means of bold printing.
If an item fulfills any special function, you also get informed by means of italic printing.
You should write down every item, that you pick up during the game.
4. Taking notes: The game is short, but not that easy. So we recommend to take notes whenever possible, especially when we directly give you the advice to do so.

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Written for Quest 5.8
Published 29 Oct 2020





