Dungeons and Decadence (Demo_1) by 132411

**Looking for help with development! Comment with bugs you've found/general feedback!**

This is a demo for a fantasy game in development that involves interacting with characters, discovering good food, and navigating tight spaces.

update 2.2 - new quest can be found in the local tavern; fixed bug with delivery to Pip
update 2.1 - finished Claude's quest and added new delivery recipient
update 2.0 - added the first half of a new quest and two new characters
update 1.9 - added guest room, more clothes, a bed to crawl under, and a mirror
update 1.8 - added new delivery quest; added bakery; added baker character
update 1.7 - added new quest; modified girth logic; found/fixed bugs
update 1.6 - found/fixed some bugs; added food to tavern menu; introduced a new character - new quest to follow.
update 1.5 - added gold to the game and revised the eating contest quest.
update 1.4 - added an alpha build for an eating competition quest.
update 1.3 - modified logic behind success rate calculations when freeing oneself from apertures; added quest board and new location.
update 1.2 - modified NPC captain and added new food item, ale; removed bug when player is stuck at backend.
update 1.1 - modified the script between rooms to keep map aligned and added new location, removed NPC for more testing

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Review by Assuny
31 Jul 2023
Loved this! Some very good work here, though there are still some blanks to fill in. Looking forward to the rest of the quests and more stuck scenarios.

Review by Jarven
23 Sep 2022
The best one yet super happy to see you making more of these and the depth you have planned. Thanks for the content!

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Written for Quest 5.8
Added 12 Mar 2022
Updated 26 Jul 2022

