**Looking for help with development! Comment with bugs you've found/general feedback!**
This is a demo for a fantasy game in development that involves interacting with characters, discovering good food, and navigating tight spaces.
update 2.2 - new quest can be found in the local tavern; fixed bug with delivery to Pip
update 2.1 - finished Claude's quest and added new delivery recipient
update 2.0 - added the first half of a new quest and two new characters
update 1.9 - added guest room, more clothes, a bed to crawl under, and a mirror
update 1.8 - added new delivery quest; added bakery; added baker character
update 1.7 - added new quest; modified girth logic; found/fixed bugs
update 1.6 - found/fixed some bugs; added food to tavern menu; introduced a new character - new quest to follow.
update 1.5 - added gold to the game and revised the eating contest quest.
update 1.4 - added an alpha build for an eating competition quest.
update 1.3 - modified logic behind success rate calculations when freeing oneself from apertures; added quest board and new location.
update 1.2 - modified NPC captain and added new food item, ale; removed bug when player is stuck at backend.
update 1.1 - modified the script between rooms to keep map aligned and added new location, removed NPC for more testing