You're eight years old. You wake up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom. But you soon realize that not everything is as it seems in this house tonight. Where has everyone gone? Things look different in the dark.
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Night House was an entrant in IFComp 2016 and placed 8th out of 58.
Special thanks to play testers The Pixie, Egghead Cheesybird, Steph Cherrywell, Norman Rafferty, Rich Finn, Holden Crick, and Khatoblepas! And a BIG thanks to Davy B for additional coding and problem solving!
Having trouble? You can read a walk-through at
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This is possibly my favourite horror text game, behind Michael Gentry's Anchorhead. Granted, I'm new to this entire world of gaming, but I absolutely love it. This game is creepy yet somehow still emotional to me. Amazing, please make more like this!!