Pack of Light by Little_Marbles

This game was added to the Sandpit for the following reason: Incomplete

The game appears to be unfinished, or is a demo of a longer work which has not yet been completed. Once the game has been completely written, it may be re-categorised.
{Early Beta}
You are a two-year old male wolf named Light that lives in the pack of Mercy, a group of wolves that have the ultimate rule: Kill others before they kill you. Across a small river that splits the woods of Seletaria into two lies a similar pack called Killjoys, whom have similar values to your pack. This causes constant bloodshed between the two packs, which sometimes result in death.

This is the story of the day the two packs began working together.

[This is the first game I ever made on here, and I hope that at least one person likes it. Please give me all the suggestions you have and don't be afraid to point out any mistakes! This game is nowhere near complete, but I would like the public's opinion on it so far.]

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02 Aug 2018
Please keep writing more

Review by AceLawlet
31 Dec 2016
It's got great grammar, story line and a lot of detail. It's pretty interesting too. 5/5 Lovin' it

Review by TakingFlyte
19 Sep 2015
This is great! From most wolf or pack story games I see on here, this is probably the best one so far. Great grammar, boatloads of fantastic detail, and the game itself is fantastic. There are little to no mistakes in it, only the fact that it is so very short! I know, I know, it's still a beta, but I love this so much. You have earned 5 stars and my approval! :)

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Written for Quest 5.5
Added 18 Sep 2015
Updated 18 Sep 2015





