laputa the lost world by Aisha Coco 1234

This game was added to the Sandpit for the following reason: Too short

This game is too short to be put into a category. Players expect games not to be all over within a few seconds.
A lost world in the sky named Laputa based on Hayao Miyazaki film Laputa castle in the sky.
The lost world is full of mythical creatures with powers to rule the nature of the world and keep it surviving.
There are 5 diffrent gems that keep the planet survivng in diffrent locations one at the top one in the middle one at the bottom and one at either side.
These are called the Iyan gems.
Two humans accidentley crash on the world and because they are young they are intrigued at the magical place they have found, they go and explore.
As they explore they come across the princess of laputa (high royalty that she is) has fallen very ill.
They have to do all thats in there power to help her become better for her and the land.

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Aisha Coco 1234

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Written for Quest 5.5
Added 22 Dec 2014





