SailRock "Home" by Jennifer Wren

The four winds blow through this world.
Read fast or it might all be gone one day.
In the blink of an eye, dreams built on memory and imagination might not still exist.

This world belongs to Zed and Eleven Borealis. They had followed Svidaniya, the Borealiss' pet cat, a calico Siberian born in Aunty Win's guesthouse bathtub, two summers back in time.
She had woken them up, in the middle of the night.

The next thing they found was that the sun always rises right before five.

"Let's call this place SailRock Home" they had exclaimed after finding the petrified wood carving collection, a sailing ship, filled with miniatures, many of which had been hammered into walnut wood before the centuries had hardened it. The details were uncanny, but they changed before the children's eyes. They were delighted, and horrified.
Here, the boundaries of nature were fluid, and the impossible became possible.

The wind will surprise you with many things from far away places. Don't let it bother you. Eleven and Zed will have to visit every centre on SailRock Home in search of dye plates to recreate a map of new waterways. Collect all ten plates and become a guardian of the spaces within dreams. Create a map of SailRock Home by dying glass tiles.
Puzzle instructions in map room. I will eventually edit them, but not tonight. They are missing one instruction - to move down from one row to the next, either press enter which works, or add an uptick, followed by a period, of course, then continue with the first tile of the next line. I think the uptick wasn't necessary but way more fun.

Discover the ancient love of Volos and Alara.


Me especially, and, also,
coedited verse by and AI-generated art by
OpenAI’s ChatGPT
Microsoft Copilot
and others...

Arabic Turkish Music - Instrumental Piano | ALD - No Copyright Music
Wind_Arctic_Cold - Sound Effect from Pixabay
Birds, frogs, nature, Птицы и лягушки - Sound Effect by SemenSurin from Pixabay

Thank you also to mrangel for helping me with codes I didn't know and unraveling bugs.
Thank you also to daeun for basic codes I had thought wouldn't work, because they did, after all.
Thank you ThatGoddess for turning me on to blended background which I cannot do without, now that I know it.

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Review by daeun
12 Apr 2024
Easy to navigate map
Dynamic exploration feeling

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