Escape the Neighborhood Patreon Update v.28 - Expired by HiddenDark

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NOTE: Currently the Quest servers are down and have been for over a week. We creators have yet to hear any word from the moderators of the site and we have no idea when there will be a resolution. The game can still be played offline and downloaded from the Patreon post but will only give a server error on here. I will provide an update when this status changes and if not I will be looking at other avenues in the future for the game so please hang on in the meantime!

Hello, my favorite Patrons!

Thank you guys so much for your patience! I'm feeling much better now and I'm excited to bring the next Patron original character scene to you guys! This introduces Winter, a professor of Biology who doesn't appreciate you interrupting his class, but could use a hand giving a demonstration to the class. Winter was kind enough to let me add his character to both the Furry Edition and Human Edition so both sides will be able to experience the new scene! You can visit his page at I actually really enjoyed the vibe of how this one came out in the Human version so I hope you guys like it too! This scene does include Disposal if you have it enabled.

Remember that by joining at the Fully Digested or Great Googly Moogly Tier you can also have your own character added to the game as a fully integrated predator or prey!

I'm so happy to say the Patron Only Discord Server has been going really well so far! Everybody have been lovely and have been sharing art, captions, and memes and we've got some people looking for roleplays so please come visit us! A big thank you to stripjp for all of the fantastic caps he's shared, it's really been keeping things active and I'm really grateful for the contribution!

This is the first update since my unemployment ended so now this Patreon is my only income. Please remember to share the game with your friends, like and fav the updates on FA and follow and reblog on Tumblr and Twitter if you can to spread it as much as possible. If you can at all consider a higher tier please do, I plan on adding more benefits as time goes on and as I can think of them and I'm always always open to suggestions! Either way, I thank you guys SO much for your support and for being here!

On the positive side of that, I intend to start my own Youtube and Twitch channels to hopefully start up a second income stream at sometime here in the very near future! I'm getting some second-hand equipment from a friend and if I can get everything working expect an announcement here! I'll hopefully be doing special Patron-only streams and maybe even movie nights or something like that so keep an eye out!


Update Notes:

Major Updates:

- Added the new Patron Character OV Scene to Furry and Human Editions. (Contains Disposal if enabled.)

Minor Updates:

- Updated Cheat Code List for direct access to new scene.
- The link to the previous release of the online version has been retired.

For the Human Edition:

- The password for September is still the same for this update.


Here is the link to the regular walkthrough:

Here is the link to the Patron Exclusive Secret Ending Guide:

And of course, please keep in mind the online version of the game does not have background/image support and it is always recommended to play the offline version for stability. Online version stability issues are known with the online player and are not something I have control over. If you are going to play offline please do not download the game file from the Quest site; please only download it from the Patreon post.

As always if anyone has any trouble or questions please let me know!

Thank you all so very much again for your support and I hope you enjoy!

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Written for Quest 5.8
Added 18 Sep 2023
Updated 04 Oct 2023

