Interactive AR daycare by Amixard

There is no goal or any way to win in this game. It's an interractive experience meant to allow age regressors to experience their fantasy of becoming a child again of their desired age.

In this game, you go to a daycare that has a special device that can change your age and allow you to play as a child for a day. You can explore the many rooms of the daycare and talk with various other children and staff.

I am having troubles running scripts correctly so currently, the only age available is 8 years old but I plan on changing tha tin the future if I ever manage to make it work.

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Review by alfhdbc
11 Feb 2024
it's good and if there was more stuff to do i would give it a 5

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Written for Quest 5.8
Added 25 Sep 2023
Updated 25 Sep 2023

