Hello there traveler, it seems you have come across my realm on the adventure you humans call life. First and foremost I would like to welcome you to my realm, and if I do say so myself, a quite cozy one I might add. Here you will find all the luxuries you have ever wished for and many more. All of you favorite foods in the kitchen, a wonderfully comfortable bed in the master bedroom and a lounge with dozens of things to do to keep you entertained. Now what's the catch you may ask, well if you looked around you might notice you are alone, and don't expect me to be you're sole companion, although I will always be watching. While at first you may think you can do it alone, but believe me when I say everyone cracks, everyone goes mad when the only human interaction they have is staring into the mirror. So if you haven't asked yourself already, "Is there a way out?” I'll let you know now there is, but it seems I have forgotten and can offer no help as to how to leave.
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Written by rbarhorst
Plays 1509
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Written for Quest 5.5
Published 01 Jun 2015
Updated 02 Jun 2015