A very clever and angry man built a house based on a hyper cube. He had planned to use it to trap his wife in the house forever, or until she eventually starved to death, because once activated there was no way out. Doors led to the wrong rooms, windows led to anywhere but out, and reality would bend.
But while he was showing the house to his wife and some friends, an unexpected earthquake accidentally triggered the house, trapping them all inside.
You have the misfortune of also being in the house. Can you find a way out?
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A short, slightly creepy game. I finished it in the end, but I found some of the actions were not intuitive. I finally randomly tried to use objects on various people until something worked. I also ended up with a lot of objects that I never used.
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Written by Chris OKennon
Plays 3098
Downloads 2189 Download file
Written for Quest 5.2
Published 12 Nov 2012
Updated 19 Nov 2012
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