The End by art3mis

The End is a story, not a game.

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Review by origamimaster
09 Jun 2015
This is a pretty good storyline, but the text hurts my eyes, and the ending should be more definite.

Review by MrFRZ
24 Sep 2014
Great game! I didn't finish it, but from what I did play it was a great story and I liked the map that gave you an indication of where you were. From all the text adventures I have played, this is one of the best. I have wanted to see a game like this, with a good story and not something slapped together in a day or two like most of these games. I am also working on something similar myself, although it will also be much different. Your game gave me some great ideas and I will probably come back to finish it. Keep it up!

Review by leetherocker1
04 Jan 2014
I got stuck with no way to go in some places, and the fact that you can take almost everything and can't use it (at least, I can't find anywhere to use it) is a bit frustrating to me.

Review by js2002
05 Dec 2013
I play TONS of text-based games, but I rarely see anything like this. I didn't even want to play this because it says in the description that it isn't even a game really. But I ended up playing it anyway and it is INCREDIBLE! The wording and the storyline were very intriguing. The only thing I have to say is that maybe change the font a little bit. I didn't think it went well with the story.

Review by CrimsonBlue
02 Dec 2013
It's a great game and a great storyline but the font colour is a little off... Other than that, nice ^^

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Written for Quest 5.4
Published 01 Dec 2013
Updated 17 Dec 2013

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