Morning Glory Pool by christina sousa

Conflict/History: Morning Glory pool is in danger! In the 1960s Morning Glory Pool was a robin’s egg, almost tropical-looking blue, but if you visit now it has an ugly brown crust, fading into orange, yellow, and in the center an envious green. The reason the pool has changed so drastically is because of humans. Tourists have damaged this fragile beauty by throwing coins and dumping their trash in the beloved hot spring. The debri that is lodged deep within the 23ft spring is clogging the air vents, and preventing the water to circulate properly. Since the water circulation is blocked, some unwanted guests have come to stay in the pool, Thermus Equatus, a menacing bacterium that can grow at 70 C (150 F). In Yellowstone the hot springs are a yellow-orange on the outer edges, most of the bacteria are found here, moving to bright blue in the center where it is hottest and no bacteria are found. If we don’t save this ‘fading glory’ then the bacterium will completely take over, leaving a brown scab that was once a unique, favored destination for park visitors, in its wake!

How to Win: In order to win this game you must explore Yellowstone National Park. You will have at least one option to exit each area, North, South, West, or East. Some places you cannot come back from, for these places you will be given a warning. You will also be given a warning for places with possible danger. As you explore you can take items that you find along the way. You will be able to view your items by typing ‘inventory’. You will also be given a description of the area you are currently in. Once you leave the park you cannot come back and have therefore lost the game. Your main goal is to find Morning Glory Pool and return it to its former glory. You can leave Morning Glory Pool to find more objects and explore new areas. Some items are useless and will not help you in any way. You can only carry 12 objects at once, so choose wisely. Best of luck!!!

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Written by
christina sousa

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Written for Quest 5.5
Published 04 Apr 2018





