Door To Back In Time by jahoth1973

This game was added to the Sandpit for the following reason: Incomplete

The game appears to be unfinished, or is a demo of a longer work which has not yet been completed. Once the game has been completely written, it may be re-categorised.
Where did the years go? Who is that older aged woman staring back at me in the mirror? These cant be my hands, so wrinkled and withered. What happened? This can't be! I know it was just a yesterday ago, I was young. I can still feel that little girl inside screaming to me, "I'm here!" Feeling like an invisible youth robber rushed in too quickly to steal my most precious valuable; my youth. Though my life up till now has been filled with blessings, my husband of many wonderful years, my loving children, and sweet grandchildren, it has passed quickly. My steps slowed, my vision a bit dimmer, a price all of us must pay. Yearning at times, to be young again! Having my parents and all those loved ones still present in my life. Oh, if I could find a way to take a trip back to those special childhood moments, what a treasure that would be! As I go to bed at night, telling my husband, "I love you", I get into my bed. My body tired from the whole day, but my mind still racing. I say my prayers for everyone, and a little one just for myself. I say, if there's a way, please let me revisit in my dreams, my childhood memories. I am asleep. When I open my eyes, I'm standing in front of door. I feel happy and urged to open it. The door knob clicks as I turn it. The door opens slowly. I step through. What is this? Can this be true? I'm home again! I'm that small girl back in time to the 1960's, in her childhood home. The first thing I do, is call out for my parents. Mommy, Daddy, it's me! I'm home! There they both were, like nothing had happened. I said, I've missed you both so much." They said, "We've always been right here honey." Was this really possible? I could hardly believe, I made it back! Nothing had changed. I was back and it was 1965! My heart pounding, I raced to my old room. There sat my bed with my Chatty Cathy doll just where I used to sit her next to my teddy bears! My sweet mother walked in and said, "You act like you've never seen you're room before." I tried to explain to my mom, I opened a door that had been closed to my past so I could come back. She looked puzzled telling me you never left! Just then, I felt a weird sensation, like being pulled backward, but not moving. I tried to say, "wait", that's when I awoke. I wanted to stay longer, it felt so good to go back. I promised myself each, ad my eyes close in sleep to look for that closed door, back to the past!

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Written for Quest 5.5
Added 30 Jan 2016





